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Department in the spotlight: Destination & Concepts

Our Destination & Concepts (D&C) department consists of 24 colleagues and over 500 guides. The team works hard on:

  • supporting guides with training and tools;
  • offering our customers great value for money at their destination;
  • improving brand experience by listening to our customers;
  • hiring and retaining talent by offering great conditions.

The first training sessions have taken place, and guides are arriving at their destinations as we speak. As we are still searching for more guides to join the department, we've launched a sponsored campaign on Instagram and Facebook in our customer markets – in English, French, Dutch, and Danish, respectively.

Digital guide team

Last year, we launched a digital guide team, which was a great success. So we are continuing with this team, who support our customers at smaller destinations via telephone, email, and WhatsApp. A great additional service!

New talent and roles

This summer, you can rely on our D&C team, led by:

  • Claudia Polman – Sunweb & Primavera
    - Area Managers: Rachel Haak, Jerry Leijrik, Hilda Hoek & Jehanne Geusdens
  • Filip Vandemaele – Concepts & Events; Sparky's kids Club & Xperience
  • Antoine Brodkom – GOGO
    - Area Manager: Maike Schilders & Corien Bijl
    - Concept & Events Manager: Rowan Pierot
  • Giel Vanderbroeck – Sales Designer

We are ready for a fantastic and long summer season!

Suzan Kempkes
Employee destination services