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Early-booking campaign

On 15 December, our traditional early-booking campaign begins, aiming to encourage holiday goers to book their summer 2022 break now. This year, however, you will find our campaign to be a little different.

To stand out even more and to address our customers on a more personal level, we will not be showing the usual images of white sandy beaches with a bright blue sea and a happy family. After all, the ideal holiday is so much better than an advertisement. It doesn't appear in an ad; it is in your imagination. So this year, we use the power of imagination by encouraging the public to imagine their ideal holiday, showcasing various holidays through their eyes. 

This comprehensive PR/branding campaign is completed with sales messages for early-booking deals and messages about safe booking and travel options in these uncertain times.


In addition, we are activating the hashtag #creatingmemories, featuring special social content. The campaign runs until late March, and we're continuously adding new creative impulses and content. The campaign will run on TV, radio, OOH, in print, online ads, social content, newspaper and magazine ads, and in our own media such as our newsletters and website.