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Sunweb brings customers to the Red Sea again on 1 November

At the request of our customers and partners and after independent research into the local situation around the Red Sea in Egypt, we have decided to start the operation from the Netherlands to this destination again as of 1 November.  

Our policy was to follow the travel advice of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and not to operate holidays outside the European Union to areas where the 'only travel if strictly necessary' applied (color code orange). However, the high demand from our customers for this destination and the results of independent research have made us decide to operate this destination again as of 1 November. We see that the Dutch government is taking steps in the right direction, but it takes too long and therefore we are now taking the initiative ourselves.

Health and safety remain in force

Together with our health & safety partner Intertek Cristal, we took a close look at the local situation around the Red Sea in Egypt. This showed, among other things, the hotels all meet the highest hygiene standards and took the mandatory measurements. There is sufficient quality healthcare available locally. The infection rate is lower than in the Netherlands and the staff of the hotels have all been vaccinated.

Information and insurance

We inform our customers about the local situation and applicable corona measures at the destination. If customers have taken out travel insurance with Sunweb Group, they are informed in advance of the conditions and coverage of the travel insurance. We advise our customers to fully comply with the Egyptian and Dutch government corona regulations upon arrival, during the stay and upon return.